The purpose of this blog is to chronicle the restoration of my 1934 Stoner Super-8 pinball machine.

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Monday, February 17, 2014

Working out the kinks

I am in the process of working out the last few kinks. I rewired the machine as all the wires were cracked.  I have tested it with the battery charger from the Signal to make sure it works properly before ordering one for this machine. It works but there were a few issues.

There was an issue with the armature in the left channel solenoid where after popping out it would not slide back in.  It was a little gunky so I cleaned it and hopefully it does the trick. I ordered a battery charger to run the machine and it arrived but was damaged so now waiting on the new one which should be here tomorrow.

I do have a little issue with the power and will need to see how it goes once I get the glass.  The issue is this. If a ball is in one of the channels it is propelled to the next position when a ball is dropped into either it's matching channel hole or the Super Hole which propels balls in both channels forward.  If it  is just one channel being activated the charger set at 6 volts works fine but when the Super Hole is hit, the 6 volts seemed to be not enough.  If I set it on 12 volts though it is so powerful it propels the balls so hard they fly out of the channels. I am hoping it is a simple as the glass keeping everything contained.  I am concerned though that the balls will be popped up and even though the glass will contain them, that it will cause the balls to land back in the same channel and not get propped to the next. Once I have the glass I will know for sure.

Another issue is that the metal around the ball track that now has a brushed look is extremely loud as the ball rolls around it. I am assuming because it is brushed and so not entirely smooth. I waxed it tonight and will see if that helps.

In the home stretch....

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